Thursday, April 25, 2013

The other thing I want to talk about today is dining rooms. We have a formal living room in the entrance of our house, but right now we are using it as a music room and just a place to sit down in quiet or to seat guests who come over to our house. But personally, I am torn between keeping it as a living room or turning it into an incredible dining room.

It is a very large room, with tall colonial windows that reach almost to the wood floors we recently put in. The room has a very old look about it, somewhat colonial. There is a piano and a Beethoven statue by the windows. There are also a lot of my dad's paintings on display in addition to a secretary and a small white painted antique desk that my dad refurbished.

If I went with making it a dining room, I think I would want to keep the antique look about it and find a table that goes with the time period. I am thinking a Jacobean table, or maybe even Italian Renaissance or Gothic. The only problem is that these tables are either very rare or extremely expensive. I also want a really long table that seats LOTS of guests, like in castles. Here are some of my ideas:

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