Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sitting Through Long Orchestra Concerts

This weekend I went to see my brother play upright bass with Orchestra Iowa at the Paramount. Although it was great to see my brother play and I was proud of him, I hate sitting through concerts in general. I would much rather play along with the orchestra or sing or at least be able to get up and walk around. I absolutely love classical music, but it is so boring for me to sit through an orchestra concert, even if it is my brother who is performing. It did not help that my mom, dad, and I were sitting on the balcony and did not have a close up view of the performers.  When my family goes to see my brother play bass in the orchestra at University of Iowa, we are often sitting in the front row. But even then, I would rather listen to music in my car, play in the orchestra myself, sing opera, or play along on the flute while sitting at the computer.

(174 words)

1 comment:

  1. I am getting EXCITED for my very favorite Kennedy orchestra concert: Symphonic Rock! I think it's very soon...maybe in April? After the first one I attended, I vowed to put it on my "don't miss!" list of school events to attend.
    To be interested and engaged in orchestra/band performances I usually need a very, very good performance and/or music that is familiar to me. Or the cello. Then I'm totally IN.
