Monday, September 3, 2012


As you may know, I had to miss two days of school to go to my cousin's wedding in Connecticut. Was it worth it? Yes and no. No, because I had to miss school and then do lots of make-up work and get behind on things. No, because it meant four days on the road of constant driving. No, because I got sick in the car so I could not do a lot of school work on the way. No, because my brother and sister really wanted to come, too, but they could not afford to miss any classes in college or miss work. And lastly, no, because we offered my cousin lots of money instead of going because we told them it really just wouldn't work, but they still wanted us to come. So we went, but my brother and sister did not come and are still really upset. It was worth it, on the other hand, for a few reasons. One, I got to miss school. Two, I got to spend time with my cousins and see the special wedding day. Three, I had lots of fun. But other than that? I don't think it was worth it, to be honest. I do not think someone should pressure another person to come to his/her wedding when those people are busy with school and work and flying is way to expensive and driving takes far too long (and not to mention, wastes gas and money). I think people should respect people's decisions and take no for an answer. My family offered a very generous compromise. My parents offered a lot of money instead of attending the wedding, but that was not good enough. They wanted us to come, and so we did. Would I do it again? Maybe. Maybe not.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mariel:
    Your mother says you should PULL THIS DOWN before any of your relatives happens to find it via Facebook!!!!! Eek! The drive was awful, yes, and with $4 per gallon gas and toll roads and Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois turnpikes, it was an expensive trip for one day of wedding time. BUT, but, but, seeing your cousin in his tux with his beautiful bride was something you can't measure in dollars, clocks or calendars. Much as I hate Hallmark-induced events, and the expense of Prom dresses and wedding gowns, limos and whatnot, I'm haunted that your brother and sister missed what you got to be a part of: one VERY special day.
