Sunday, September 23, 2012

Obama's past

For all those of you who support Obama and plan on voting for him this November, please think again. I already knew I would not vote for him if I were old enough, but after seeing the new documentary about Obama's past, it only furthered my decisision. I am sure plenty of you are aware that Obama wrote a book called "Dreams From My Father", but I doubt most of you know what exactly is in it. 

If you read the book, you will see that Obama mentions a man named Frank frequently throughout the book, who he calls his mentor, but he never once mentions Frank's last name. This is for a very good and bad reason. The Frank he is referring to is actually Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist in Chicago and Hawaii. Davis was under investigation and surveillance by the FBI for nineteen years, creating a six hundred-page FBI file. He was listed under the FBI's "Security Index A", meaning he would be arrested in the event of a national emergency. 

Frank Marshall Davis was also a poet and writer, and in his columns, he blamed American capitalism for starting World War II and preached distribution of wealth and nationalization of industry and government health care, while bashing Wall Street. Obama apparently believes in all these ideas. Just take a minute to think about it. Obama seems to be ready to basically turn America into a Socialist country, while Europeans must be asking, "Why on earth are you trying to ruin America's economy and create all the problems we are having?"

President Obama speaks often in favor of "spreading the wealth" while his half-brother in Africa lives in a hut and his annual income is only twenty dollars. Twenty dollars a year! The half-brother was interviewed in the documentary I watched, 2016 Obama's America. The film is based on conservative author Dinesh D’Souza’s 2010 best-selling book The Roots Of Obama’s Rage. D’Souza grew up in India and says he just wanted people to question what an Obama second term would look like.

I can guess what it would look like: scary.

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