Quick change of subject. Ariel! The Little Mermaid's outfit basically consists of two purple clam shells slapped onto her...er, chest...no straps, no visible means of support. She also wears a tight-fitting skirt. Oh wait, it's not a skirt. It's part of her body. That means she's very nearly topless and totally bottom-less. Her human stomach is exposed above her fishy naked tail. Her clam shells work like a push-up bra, showing too much cleavage. And her expression is that "come get me" look you see in Victoria's Secret ads.

Jasmine- She is also wearing basically just a bra and some baggy pants. Her stomach is also completely exposed. The push-up effect you see on Victoria's Secret models is apparent here too. Does Disney design these things for little girls, or for the dads who drag their girls to the movie theater?
Pocahontas- Her dress is very short. Her legs are impossibly long. Her hair flows in the wind. That's all I want to say about that.
Esmerelda- Her dress is very low-cut and is falling off of her shoulders.
Megara- Her dress is also very low-cut and her cleavage is showing. The dress is also very tight.

Rapunzel- Basically, the top of her dress is a corset. Which is an undergarment. And guess where she bought it? Judging from the amount of cleavage, I would guess Victoria's Secret. "Tangled," the name of the movie, also might describe the kind of thinking that goes into Disney fashions.
Belle from Beauty and the Beast- her dress is too low-cut and her cleavage is showing. The way she slow-dances with a beast wearing a man's suit? Let us hope little girls don't think about this.
*I would like to point out that all these girls have a large chest and a tiny little waist, in addition to curvy hips.
Below is a list of female Dinsey characters that dress more modestly:
Snow White (1940s)
Cinderella (1950). Her dress is also fairly low cut--but at least no cleavage is showing.
Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty (1950s)
Mulan- the majority of the movie, she is actually dressed as a man!
That's all I want to say about THAT.
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