Thursday, April 18, 2013

Maine Coon Needs a Home

Our family seems to be having way more trouble with animals than the average person lately. Not only is our thirteen-year-old dog Bailey dying as I am typing this, but we have an extra cat in the house that needs to go, too (except not by means of death, of course).

My mom had originally bought him at the pound because she saw him sitting in his cage that was too small for him and saw that he was not happy. He was confined to a cage that he could barely move in. He had been there for three months, and it seemed nobody had any interest in bringing him home as their pet. He was a mean looking cat, but he was half-price, and Mom sort of took pity on him, I guess. (Apparently, he also reminded my mom of our previous dog, Bailey's brother, Blaise.) Granted, she did this against my dad's will and my will. We did not even know she did it until she came to pick me up from school and I saw a vicious-looking cat staring at me from the back seat of the car.

Back to the point, though. We are now trying to get rid of him. He is not friendly, he does not like other cats (or dogs, for that matter). He does not like much attention to speak of. He either hides out all day by himself, or he is in the kitchen opening cupboard doors looking for canned catfood. (I forgot to mention this cat was three years old when my mom brought him home from the pound, and he had been neutered, implying that he had an owner who either died or abandoned him. But one thing we do know is that this cat was spoiled and was served Fancy Feast for every meal of the day.)

He simply needs to go. He sheds all the time, my family is most likely allergic to him, and he scratches and claws at furniture and fights with our other cat all the time. (Well, according to my mom, it is completely the fault of our other cat. Supposedly, he is the one who initiates all the fights.) Either way, he must go. He needs a new home (although I'm sure that after reading this post, no one will want him). But either way, if you are looking for a beautiful maine coon cat who likes to keep to himself and does not want to live with other animals, he may be a great match for you. He is very quiet, and he meows like a baby and like a girl, which does not fit with his overall looks. He looks mean, but he is really very sweet. He is simply stressed out living around a cat who is constantly trying to fight with him. So if you know of anyone looking for a maine coon, just let me know.

(Word Count: 494)

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