Monday, January 21, 2013

What should I blog about?

What should I blog about? Every week I am supposed to write three blogs totaling 1200 words for AP Lang and Comp class at my school. Every Sunday night I spend bent over the computer trying to find something to write about and get my word count up to 1200 words. Most of the time I get points docked for not having enough posts or not getting to the high-enough word count. Besides, why does anyone want to even read my blog? Why should people care about what I have to say if I don't even have anything that I want to say to write down on my blog? It is very frustrating and, personally, I don't think it is fair to expect this of students. What we say will be on the internet forever for our future employers to look at and it's not like we're even thinking about what we are writing half of the time. We are only writing these things because we are forced to for our AP class. How is that fair? What is does is it forces us to write  as many words as possible and use as many filler words as possible just to satisfy the requirement of 1200 words per week instead of writing quality posts with only the words that are necessary. That is the problem of many writers today. They simply use too many words and are therefore forced to cut out lots of parts from their novels or stories. But instead, I'm here trying to do the opposite. I'm TRYING to write as many words as possible instead of getting clearly to the point. And I'm not proud of it. If it were up to me, all my posts would be pretty short and concise. I would be straight to the point and say what I needed to say and then I'd be done with it. It would be much easier for readers to read anyway. Who wants to read really long posts with lots of unnecessary words? Definitely not me. Certainly not.

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